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Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy has just launched their new research report, “Clearing the Air: A Synthesised Mapping of Out of School Children during COVID-19 in India | April 2020-May 2022”.
In the context of varied estimations of the impact of COVID-19 on the Out of School Children population in India, the report synthesizes all relevant studies and resources to analyze the status of schooling – across time, geographies, and social and economic backgrounds of households.
Some key findings:
- Early evidence of possible new sites of exclusion – specifically among migrant communities, younger children, and children attending low fee private schools.
- ‘Dropouts’ and ‘non-enrollment’ ranged from 1 percent to over 40 percent across studies.
- Inaccessibility of devices ranged from 10 percent to over 95 percent
- Similarly, inaccessibility to the internet ranged from 10 percent to 90 percent
- Studies reporting on the number of children who ‘did not receive any online education (from the start of school closures to the date of survey)’ ranged from 10 percent to 60 percent
This would imply that at worst, 43 percent students did not access any online education for a period of up to 19 months.