SIAfFRE Formed! Bangalore Declaration

Two Day Workshop to Reflect on The Status of Fundamental Right to Education and The Way Forward APRIL 1&2, 2023     ORGANISERS   South Indian Alliance For Fundamental Right To Education (SIAFFRE) (comprising of) People’s Alliance For Fundamental Right To Education (PAFRE) All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF) National…

Landscape Report on Educational Technology in Schools

— Prof. Rajaram S. Sharma, Former Joint Director, CIET, NCERT, New Delhi The evolution of mass education has resulted in a school model which involves structuring and age-wise stratification, organisation of curricula, training of teachers in the techniques of instruction, classroom processes, enablers such as timetables or lesson plans and…

NCEE recommends that blanket school closures not be an immediate response to the air pollution crisis in Delhi.

The Delhi government had closed primary schools last week, based on a recommendation from the NCPCR, owing to the air pollution crisis in the city. As the air quality has improved, schools have been re-opened from today. While the concern about the health and well-being of children is valid, the…

Insights from a Study of Middle School Students’ Foundational Mathematics and Language Skills

Introduction 175 students from government higher primary schools in Bengaluru were engaged as part of a study to understand their learning needs in the context of schools being re-opened after the prolonged school closures during the pandemic. The study was conducted through a series of activities wherein students worked individually,…

Digital Dollar? An exploratory study of the investments by IFC in the Indian educational technology sector

A review of the investee companies of International Finance Corporation reveals that there are serious gaps between the work of these companies, and the priorities of Indian education, with respect to questions of access, affordability and inclusion; adherence to labor, environment and child protection standards, and quality of services

COVID-19 Learning Loss and Recovery: Panel Data Evidence from India

AbstractWe use a near-representative household panel survey of ∼19,000 primary-school-aged children in rural Tamil Nadu to study the extent of ‘learning loss’ after COVID-19 school closures, the pace of recovery in the months after schools reopened, and the role of a flagship compensatory intervention introduced by the state government. Students…