Webinar on Exploring the Education Technology Landscape

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The EdTech Landscape report is available here

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Comparative Education Society of India, TISS Centre of Excellence in Teacher Education, National Coalition on the Education Emergency and Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change are collaboratively organizing an online pre-conference webinar on ‘Exploring the Education Technology Landscape’ on Saturday, 26th November 2022 between 4:00 and 5:50 PM.

Meeting Link

The advent of the current genre of education (digital) technologies necessitates building a deeper understanding of the possibilities, benefits, and dangers of EdTech and critically evaluating its role in supporting different aspects of teaching-learning. With the objective of facilitating such a discourse, a webinar is being organized, with Prof. Rajaram S Sharma, Former Joint Director, CIET, NCERT, and the author of the Landscape Report on Educational Technology in Schools‘ which will be released at the event by Prof. K Ravi Subramaniam.

Based on a study conducted through desk research of available EdTech products and services, as well as a short survey of teachers’ usage of ICT tools, the report examines the education and education technology landscape in India, from an educator’s perspective. The author’s vast experience and deep understanding of this area help in bringing out critical perspectives on the history and evolution of EdTech over the years, how it has contributed to or influenced different educational processes, and the areas it continues to under-serve or not serve at all. With this premise, the author analyses what may be expected/predicted of the current wave of educational technologies, and what is necessary on the part of developers, governments, education officials, schools, and teachers for meaningful and effective adoption of digital technologies across different segments of the education system. A short survey on the key themes of the report was conducted in teacher groups and their responses helped the speaker identify the items to be presented and discussed in the webinar.

The webinar would be useful to broaden and deepen the understanding of teachers, teacher educators, and other practitioners in the field of education and technology. It is also expected that as a part of a series of similar events, this webinar would also contribute towards building a larger body of individuals who can critically engage with EdTech. The ‘Landscape Report on Education Technology in Schools’ was commissioned by IT for Change, as a part of a series of similar Technology landscape studies in health, agriculture, and finance sectors in India.


4:00 – 4:15 PMIntroduction, context setting, and initial remarks Release of the ‘Landscape Report on Educational Technology in Schools’ by Prof. Ravi Subramaniam
4.15 – 4.45 PMTalk by the speaker Contexts for the adoption of ICT Possibilities, benefits, and harms from ICT Ways in which students and teachers can engage with ICT
4:45 – 5:00 PMQuestions from the discussant and audience
5.00 – 5.30 PMTalk by the speaker Teacher preparation – when, how, and why I will/ will not use ICT Discerning ICT possibilities relevant to teaching-learning
5:30 – 5:40 PMQuestions from the discussant and audience
5.40 – 550 PMClosing remarks of the Chair

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