Members of the coalition met on 29th January 2022 to review the work done so far, share the situation in different states across the country and discuss the priorities of the NCEE going forward. Agenda:1. Introduction2. A brief presentation on the work done so far by the NCEE3. Discussion on…
NCEE questions Govt.’s reluctance in opening schools despite the lifting of curfew in Bengaluru
Press release by National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE) dated January 22, 2022. Schools in Bengaluru remain closed while malls, theaters, pubs and restaurants have been kept open. As of 21 January, the weekend curfew has been lifted as well. It is tragic that schools are closed when there…
Meat, nutrition and the unpalatable politics of food
Karnataka is the last of the South Indian states to include eggs in midday meals.
A Way to Break the Cycle of Poverty
A study published this summer by Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman and his colleagues takes the implications of Perry a giant step further. This research demonstrates that the children of the Perry preschoolers are also better off because of their parents’ experience.
Interview on Suno India podcast featuring the NCEE and “ A Future at Stake”
In this podcast of The Suno India Show, host Kunika Balhotra speaks with Dr Sajitha Bashir, the author of the report, to understand what steps schools and governments should take to address this education emergency. Click here to listen.
Back to school – How the gap in schooling has caused an education emergency in India
The school closures in India due to the COVID-19 Pandemic have been among the longest in the world. For close to 18 months, 265 million students have not been to school. The report, “A FUTURE AT STAKE -Organizing the Education Recovery for the Most Vulnerable”
School enrolment fell during pandemic: Annual Status of Education Report
The percentage of rural children who were not enrolled in school doubled during the pandemic, with Government schools seeing an increase in enrolment at the expense of private schools, according to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2021. Over a third of children enrolled in Classes 1 and 2…
We mustn’t ignore a big crisis of education staring us in the face
The majority of students need a year to recover learning losses.To make matters worse, too many states are pressing teachers hard to test children and continue with the current class syllabus. Unless there is a sharp and quick change in the dispositions and actions of our states, we can anticipate…