Pfizer Covid Shot Safely Bolsters Antibodies in Younger Kids
Pfizer Inc. and partner BioNTech SE said their Covid-19 vaccine was safe and produced strong antibody responses in children ages 5 to 11 in a large-scale trial, findings that could pave the way to begin vaccinating grade-school kids within months.
Should children be given COVID-19 jabs?
The debate on opening up schools should be delinked from the discussions on vaccinating children
Should schools reopen only after all children are vaccinated?
Inoculating all 472 million children in the country cannot be a prerequisite. All stakeholders must work together to keep children safe in school, while ensuring their needs are met
What Governments Must Do To Reopen Schools Safely Amid COVID-19
School reopening in India: Governments must show leadership, set up task forces, develop detailed standard operating procedures, bring stakeholders together, use science for decision making, and counter misconceptions.