Compensating for Academic Loss: Online Learning and Student Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This paper estimates the effects of online learning on student performance, using administrative data on ninth graders from three middle schools located in the same county within Baise City of China which enforced different educational practices from mid-February to early April of 2020

The likely impact of COVID-19 on education: Reflections based on the existing literature and recent international datasets

This report attempts to gain a better understanding of how the COVID-19 crisis may affect students’ learning. It looks at the different direct and indirect ways through which the virus,and the measures adopted to contain it,may impact children’s achievement

The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about the potential impact of school closures on student academic achievement

This research examines how the observed typical average growth trajectory by grade for students who completed a standard-length school year compares to projections under two scenarios for the closures: a COVID-19 slide and COVID-19 slowdown.