The debate on opening up schools should be delinked from the discussions on vaccinating children
Kids and COVID: why young immune systems are still on top
Innate immunity might be the key to why children have fared better with the virus. But the Delta variant poses fresh unknowns.
Why the priority should be to reopen primary schools
Indian and global data suggest that the risk of severe disease and death are low in adolescents and children younger than 12 years
Childcare and depression during the coronavirus pandemic in South Africa: A gendered analysis
The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a devastating impact on livelihoods. While significant attention has rightly focused on the dangers of infection and the economic consequences of the pandemic due to job losses, etc., scholars have begun to highlight the nontrivial mental health effects of the pandemic.
More kids need glasses now, but real spike feared once schools reopen
With students into an online mode of education for more than a year has resulted in a number of young kids requiring spectacles. “Digital Eye Strain” leads to many vision problems among young children.
Warning over Children as Indonesia suffers its worst Covid outbreak
The number of Covid infections and deaths among children in Indonesia has risen sharply over the past month, a senior paediatrician has said, as the country faces its most severe outbreak since the start of the pandemic.