Back to school – How the gap in schooling has caused an education emergency in India

The school closures in India due to the COVID-19 Pandemic have been among the longest in the world. For close to 18 months, 265 million students have not been to school. The report, “A FUTURE AT STAKE -Organizing the Education Recovery for the Most Vulnerable”

We mustn’t ignore a big crisis of education staring us in the face

The majority of students need a year to recover learning losses.To make matters worse, too many states are pressing teachers hard to test children and continue with the current class syllabus. Unless there is a sharp and quick change in the dispositions and actions of our states, we can anticipate…

Getting nutrition back on the school high table

COVID-19 or otherwise, educational institutions need to ensure that schoolchildren are nurtured and nourished. Even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, India was facing significant nutritional challenges. Hence, there is a need to pivot on children’s nutrition, using the novel coronavirus pandemic to better understand current nutrition and nutritional…