Rajasthan schools set to reopen for IX to XII classes from September 1

The schools in Rajasthan are set to reopen from September 1 for IX to XII classes, with the government issuing a standard operating procedure (SOP), allowing 50% capacity of students and putting restrictions on holding assembly prayers and sports activities and distributing cooked mid-day meals.

Schools in Puducherry directed to prepare for September 1 reopening

The government has directed schools to complete preparatory measures ahead of the September 1 resumption of offline classes for Classes IX to XII in the Union Territory. A circular issued by P.T. Rudra Goud, Director of School Education, instructed the heads of all schools in Puducherry to adhere to the…

Covid-19: The Indian children who have forgotten how to read and write

In India, schools have remained shut since March last year when the country went into lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19. Affluent private schools and their students switched to online classes seamlessly, but government-run schools have struggled. And their students – often with no laptops or smartphones and patchy…