The Akshaya Patra Foundation on Thursday resumed the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) Scheme in Karnataka for children after the Covid-19 pandemic kept them away from school for the last 18 months. The MDM programme benefits lakhs of students in government and government aided schools.
Covid, folk psychology and pedagogy viruses
The pandemic has exposed India’s ambivalence about scientific knowledge.
Karnataka govt to resume physical classes for 1-5 after Dasara
The government will also start providing midday meals at schools after Dasara vacations.
Teachers need to be recognised as frontline workers
There is an immediate need to recognise teachers as frontline workers, said Nicole Bella, Chief of Education and Senior Education Specialist, UNESCO.
UNICEF flags long term impact of COVID on youth in India
Mental health issues in developing countries like India have been on the rise, noted Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Tuesday while releasing the UNICEF ’s global flagship publication: “The State of the World’s Children 2021; On My Mind: promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health”.
Gaming disorder increases during pandemic
During this pandemic, gaming disorder is quickly growing with the increased use of Internet devices among children and adults. Gaming addictions cause physical, social and emotional damages, impairing sleep, appetites, careers and social lives and its dangers go beyond the monetary motivations of online gambling.
Pfizer Covid Shot Safely Bolsters Antibodies in Younger Kids
Pfizer Inc. and partner BioNTech SE said their Covid-19 vaccine was safe and produced strong antibody responses in children ages 5 to 11 in a large-scale trial, findings that could pave the way to begin vaccinating grade-school kids within months.
Should children be given COVID-19 jabs?
The debate on opening up schools should be delinked from the discussions on vaccinating children
Kids and COVID: why young immune systems are still on top
Innate immunity might be the key to why children have fared better with the virus. But the Delta variant poses fresh unknowns.
Why the priority should be to reopen primary schools
Indian and global data suggest that the risk of severe disease and death are low in adolescents and children younger than 12 years