School enrolment fell during pandemic: Annual Status of Education Report

The percentage of rural children who were not enrolled in school doubled during the pandemic, with Government schools seeing an increase in enrolment at the expense of private schools, according to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2021. Over a third of children enrolled in Classes 1 and 2…

We mustn’t ignore a big crisis of education staring us in the face

The majority of students need a year to recover learning losses.To make matters worse, too many states are pressing teachers hard to test children and continue with the current class syllabus. Unless there is a sharp and quick change in the dispositions and actions of our states, we can anticipate…

UNICEF concerns about learning loss among Indian Children during Pandemic, says UNICEF India Representative Yasumasa Kimura

UNICEF India Representative Yasumasa Kimura said that children in India facing a learning crisis and the future of an entire generation is at risk. To seize out this crisis, UNICEF India today unveiled a symbolic ‘pandemic classroom’ installation in observance of Children’s day in India

COVID-19 pandemic fuelled rise in child sexual abuse online: report

The Global Threat Assessment report 2021, by WeProtect Global Alliance, launched on Tuesday, said COVID-19 had contributed to a significant spike in child sexual exploitation and abuse online. The findings show that in the past two years, the reporting of child sexual exploitation and online abuse has reached its highest…

Parents want schools to reopen for younger kids in Karnataka

With Kerala announcing that classes from grade 1 and above will reopen from November 1, parents are hoping schools in Karnataka will follow suit. Parents feel it is important for younger children to return to campuses and interact with friends and teachers. With schools functioning from home for more than…